When Plum Hits the Fan 6.12

Peyton called into work the morning after the twins were born and requested to use her family leave day. She didn’t want to leave Anthony alone with the girls, and she felt she could use the day off to recuperate after the lack of sleep from labor and crying infants.

The twins finally went down for a nap in the mid afternoon. Anthony and Peyton took the opportunity to jump into the pool.

“You’re a glowing mother,” Anthony said. Peyton blushed and splashed him. He laughed. “What? You look so happy.”

“I am happy, Anthony. We have four healthy, beautiful children.”

“Four?!?! Since when?” he replied with a wink.

“Very funny!” She swam over to him. “I just want to thank you for being such an amazing part of my life. I am grateful that we are where we are.”pic 1“Awww…is someone getting sentimental on her big adult birthday?” he teased.

“Maybe just a bit…” Peyton swam towards the edge of the pool and pulled herself out. “I’m going to wash up and feed the twins. See you inside.”

Anthony used the ladder to get himself out of the pool. He shuffled into and prepped Peyton’s birthday cake. He planned on throwing a birthday party for Peyton once Braylon and Brandon arrived home from school. His cooking skills were low, but he managed to whip up a decent white cake for his beautiful wife.pic 2Upstairs, Peyton changed Lilion’s diaper and fed both of the girls. She hoped they would nap again by the time the family arrived in the evening. She loved their giggles and was truly happy to have four children of her own, even if it was overwhelming much of the time.

Peyton could feel herself searching for a pattern or a routine to rely on so she could get through the baby days. Brandon and Braylon were mostly self-sufficient, but she didn’t want them to feel like they were forgotten. Brandon took very well to meeting his sisters the previous evening; but, Braylon became angry the second she looked into Cayson’s bassinet.pic 3Peyton knew that her and Anthony would have to take some time and plan out how they could best support all of their children. She heard the front door open, which signified the arrival of Brandon and Braylon home from school.

“Mommy?” she heard Braylon call.

“Coming!” She kissed her infants on the foreheads and made her way downstairs.

“Mommy?” Braylon repeated.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“I have an ‘A’ in school!!” Braylon danced around, proud that her hard work paid off.

“That’s great!” exclaimed Peyton. “I’m so proud of you.”

The doorbell rang so Peyton turned to answer it. Behind it were many of her family members coming to celebrate Peyton’s adult birthday with her. Most of the family drifted towards the living room to enjoy the music. Madison chose to stay behind in the kitchen with her sister.

“How are you doing?” Madison asked concerned.

“I’m doing well. Sleep deprived, you know? But that’s not unexpected.”

“How’s Anthony? He seems a bit drained.”

“Really? I didn’t notice. Perhaps he is a bit. Twins, you know?”

“I remember with Braylon and Brandon. We were all exhausted,” Madison said. “Hey, let’s get one more picture before you get old!” she teased.

“You’re only a few days behind me, small fry!” The sisters lined up for one last Young Adult selfie.pic 4“I see new wrinkles every day, you know? There’s nothing you can really do about it,” stated Peyton as she looked at the picture on her phone.

Madison nodded in agreement.
pic 5In Peyton and Anthony’s bedroom, Uncle Dylon was getting acquainted with his new grandnieces. “Uncle Dylon loves you. Him and the voices. We love you, Cayson,” he said while feeding her. Holding Cayson made him miss his own daughter, Allison, who vanished not too long ago on a mission and had recently fallen silent. He hoped she was safe.pic 6The living room was full of life in the Skinner house. Braylon and her cousin Davion were sitting on the couch chatting. Braylon, full of energy, told her cousin about the new health potion she made at her chemistry lab.

“So, I was mixing the blue liquid with the yellow liquid. Then I let it sit for three minutes. Then I added a touch of baking soda and POOF! I got this health potion!”

“Really?” questioned Davion.

“Really! It was sooooo cool!” Braylon enthused. “I’m going to try to make some more potions. I’ve been taking notes on what works and what doesn’t.”pic 7With all the joy and happiness in the house, Peyton thought it would be a good time to light and blow out her birthday candles. Just as she made her way to the cake, she heard crying from upstairs. She shrugged, apologized to her guests, and made her way up to the bassinets.

Unfortunately for her, every SINGLE time she tried to interact with Lilion, a guest would interrupt the action. Lilion’s cries grew louder and louder as Peyton’s panic began to set in. It felt like a bad dream. She was right there–in the doorway of her bedroom–but she couldn’t actually reach her daughter. Each one of the party-goes claimed that they knew what Lilion needed, but as they stood in front of the bassinet, blocking Peyton’s path, they failed to ease the cries of her daughter. Helpless, Peyton stood there as her daughter screamed out of hunger and discomfort due to a dirty diaper.

Unknown to Peyton who was struggling to reach her crying daughter, Anthony, too, was struggling. As usual, he wandered off to mourn one of Peyton’s deceased family members. Outside, alone and in the dark, Anthony met his demise.pic 8The Grim Reaper stood over Anthony’s lifeless body and referenced his tablet. “Four kids, huh? A young wife? And you’re out here alone?”

The Reaper waited to see if anyone would make their way outside to plead for his life. No one came. Peyton was still upstairs waiting for social services to come and take her baby away because she couldn’t reach her to calm her down.pic 9She didn’t know her husband’s body had become one of the many tombstones in the cemetery. All she knew was that she had make a move and quickly. Miraculously, the family made a path for Peyton and she reached her daughter in time to feed her and change her diaper before the social services were notified. She put Lilion back in the bassinet and changed into her pajamas, ready to crawl into her bed. Madison sought out her big sister.

“You can’t go to sleep now! You have to blow out the candles!”

Reluctantly, Peyton dragged herself downstairs. Her cousin, Harlon, and niece, Davion, sang the loudest.
pic 10

Peyton blew out the candles and wished only for some peace and quiet. As she spun into adulthood, she looked around at all of her family, and that’s when she noticed it–Anthony was no where to be found. Panic set in again. She scoured the house, but came up empty handed. Finally, she peered into the back yard. She saw it there–a new tombstone in the cemetery. Her family slowly filtered out, but at this point, Peyton didn’t care. She dragged herself upstairs where she discovered two screaming babies.

Shoulders hung low, Peyton approached the bassinets. “I guess it’s just me now, kiddos. Be gentle with me…”pic 11

15 thoughts on “When Plum Hits the Fan 6.12

  1. Ok, first of all, I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief when I found out that the babies were not “repossessed.” Second of all, for some reason I thought Peyton was already an adult. Probably all that teasing (well, not really teasing) Madison did when she first aged up about Peyton being “soo” old and still single. At that point I thought she was close to her adult years. Maybe these days go by really slowly but just seem fast to me. Dunno lol. Lastly, on behalf of the #TeamAnthony fan club, I would like to extend our deepest condolences to the Skinner family. The club will go on to honor his memory.

    Liked by 1 person

    • She’s definitely still a young one, thank goodness. I slowed down playing, so I think that’s part of it, too. Awwww…Anthony and his family appreciate your commitment to his fan club 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Goodness I picked quite a dramatic moment to get all caught up on the story. That was not exactly an ideal birthday party. And I know you’re probably ready to be done with the twin babies. C an’t wait for more from your amazing story 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for reading! I’m hoping to get back into the game later today. I’m working on a chapter for my other Sims blog and then I’ll see what time I have left!


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